Freedom of information (FOI) releases from Herefordshire Council

This is a disclosure log of Herefordshire Council's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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2,124 disclosures

  1. How does the local authority access ecological expertise? Is it through:

    a) in-house ecological staff within the local authority,

    b) through a Service Level Agreement/shared resource with another local authority,

    c) through a Service Level Agreement with another body e.g. Wildlife Trust, d) through other external expertise e.g. consultants,

    e) no access to ecological expertise?

    If it is a mixture of the above, could you please specify what the arrangements are.

    I am specifically looking for how the authority accesses staff/resources for implementing, delivering, monitoring and reporting on biodiversity net gain and other natural environment functions.

    Published: 17 January 2025

  2. For every S19 report your authority has filed as part of its 'lead local flood risk management authority' duties under the 2010 Flood and Water Management Act, I would like to request information about whether the recommendations have been implemented and when. I would like this information arranged in a table (excel or pdf) with each row detailing the recommendation, the report it belongs to, and the date of completion.

    Published: 16 January 2025

  3. 1) Details of any schemes or programs operated directly by the local authority under the UKSPF People and Skills priority area. Include the budget and the number of staff allocated to the program or scheme and where appropriate the length of the program or scheme.

    2) Details of any organisation which has been awarded contracts by the local authority to deliver services covered by the remit of the UKSPF People and Skills priority area, such as upskilling, employment support, and skills provision. Include the names of the organisations, the amounts awarded, and the length of the contract.

    Published: 15 January 2025

  4. I am writing to submit a Freedom of Information request concerning your Council's IT services.

    Could you please provide the following information:

    1. Does your Council outsource its IT function? If so, please provide:

    a- The cost of the outsourced contract.

    b- The name of the service provider.

    c- The length of the contract.

    2. If the IT service is provided in-house, please provide:

    a- The annual cost of providing IT services to the Council. Please do not include any services you provide to Schools or other organisations.

    b- An IT structure chart, including salary information.

    c- The number of council staff your IT service supports.

    d- Details of any IT functions that are outsourced.

    Published: 15 January 2025

  5. 1. Please provide information on the number of individuals on your social housing waiting list who require accessible social housing:

    a. Provide the overall total number of people on the waiting list for a type of accessible social housing

    b. Include a breakdown of the number of people on the waiting list per type of accessible housing, according to your own accessible housing categorisation system. Accessible housing categorisation types vary by local authority.

    Examples of how properties may be categorised include, but at not limited to: Mobility Level 1, 2, 3; Part M Building Regulations 2010 – Cat 1 (M4(1)) Cat 2 (M4(2)) Cat 3 M4(3)); Accessible Housing Register – Categories A, B, C, D, E, F, G 2. Please provide a breakdown of your overall housing stock by accessibility level. As stated above, the accessibility categorisation of properties varies between councils, please present the information using the council’s own categorisation system. Please include properties that are unclassified in your breakdown.

    3. Please provide a breakdown of all newbuild dwellings approvals and completions in your council area by both Building Regulations Part M4 standard (M4(2), M4(3) etc) and tenure type (market, social rented, discount market sale etc, or the tenure breakdown you measure by) in the year beginning 1st January 2022 ending 31st December 2022.

    Published: 15 January 2025

  6. I write to submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 relating to individuals under the care of your local authority.

    1. For the children looked after (CLA) who arrived in the UK as unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) and were in the care of your local authority between January 2015 and December 2024, please provide the total number of:

    a) deaths;

    b) deaths, where the death is known to be self-inflicted or by suicide.

    2. For the former relevant children (FRC) aged up to 25 years old, who arrived in the UK as unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC) and were in touch with your local authority between January 2015 and December 2024, please provide the total number of:

    a) deaths;

    b) deaths, where the death is known to be self-inflicted or by suicide.

    3. For each case related to questions 1 or 2, please provide:

    a) the date of death;

    b) the nationality of the deceased;

    c) the age at the time of death;

    d) the full name of the deceased;

    e) the cause of death.

    Published: 14 January 2025

  7. I'd like to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act, please.

    According to two clauses added to the “Homelessness code of guidance for local authorities” by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (under its old name of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities) in February 2024, "accommodation will not be suitable for a household with children under the age of 2 if there is not adequate space for a cot for each child aged under 2", and "where households with babies and young children under 2 do not have access to a cot when placed in temporary accommodation, housing authorities should consider what support is available for the provision of a cot."


    With this in mind, please tell me:

    How many temporary accommodation is the council using as of today’s date to accommodate households with at least one child under the age of two?

    Of these units, as of today’s date:

    How many have been assessed as having adequate space for a cot?

    How many have been assessed as NOT having adequate space for a cot?

    How many have not been assessed for whether or not there is space for a cot?

    How many families with children aged under two at the time of placement have been placed in temporary accommodation since February 2024?

    Of these, how many families did not have their own cots and what provisions was the council able to make for them? (This information can be supplied as totals — for instance, X number of households had a cot provided, Y number of households were given guidance on how to obtain a cot, etc.)

    Published: 13 January 2025

  8. Request for Information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 - "Full Cost Clients" I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding the number of "full-cost clients" placed by your local authority. For the purposes of this request, a "full-cost client" is defined as an individual whose care is arranged by the local authority but which the local authority recovers 100% of the cost of care from the individuals assets, capital, income, benefits, or estate. Questions 1. How many full-cost clients are currently placed in residential care homes by your local authority. 2. How many of these full-cost clients have been placed under Section 117s into residential care by your local authority? 3. How many individuals and at what average fee are full-cost clients are placed in residential care in your local authority for: * those over the age of 65 * those under the age of 65 4. What is the total annual cost of all care packages for full-cost clients for those placed in residential care by your local authority? 5. Please provide any policies or documents relating to the process adopted by the local authority in regard to the placement of full-cost clients by your local authority and when these were last approved or reviewed.

    Published: 13 January 2025

  9. I would be very grateful for any information held by Hereford County Council concerning attendance at TEAMS meetings. Is there a county policy concerning the acceptable protocols at such meetings?

    I am particularly interested if a participant’s decision to have their camera turned off during a TEAMS meeting would preclude them from taking part. I am referring to all meetings carried out via TEAMS in your authority. Is there any scenario where a participant would be refused permission to join the meeting because they insist on keeping their camera turned off for privacy reasons.

    Published: 13 January 2025

  10. I am making a Freedom of Information request for the following data if it is held:

    How many times has the Complaints Manager contacted Cameron Black and/or the LGSCO for advice and support with stage 2 ComplaInts handling in the following years: 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019

    What policy and procedure is the Complaints Manager engaging to justify contact the LGSCO directly?

    Published: 13 January 2025