FOI release

Ecological expertise within the council

Case reference FOI2025/00103

Received 17 January 2025

Published 17 January 2025


How does the local authority access ecological expertise? Is it through:

a) in-house ecological staff within the local authority,

b) through a Service Level Agreement/shared resource with another local authority,

c) through a Service Level Agreement with another body e.g. Wildlife Trust, d) through other external expertise e.g. consultants,

e) no access to ecological expertise?

If it is a mixture of the above, could you please specify what the arrangements are.

I am specifically looking for how the authority accesses staff/resources for implementing, delivering, monitoring and reporting on biodiversity net gain and other natural environment functions.


How does the local authority access ecological expertise? Is it through:

a) in-house ecological staff within the local authority,

b) through a Service Level Agreement/shared resource with another local authority,

c) through a Service Level Agreement with another body e.g. Wildlife Trust,

d) through other external expertise e.g. consultants, e) no access to ecological expertise?

If it is a mixture of the above, could you please specify what the arrangements are. I am specifically looking for how the authority accesses staff/resources for implementing, delivering, monitoring and reporting on biodiversity net gain and other natural environment functions.

Answer: A – In-house ecological staff within the local Authority.

Vacant posts in the council’s staffing establishment may be filled utilising ecological consultants appointed on short term contracts as specific cover and as caseloads dictate.


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