Secondary school PAN across 2024/2025
Case reference FOI2025/00199
Received 29 January 2025
Published 21 February 2025
I would like to know the following:
- A list of all secondary schools who did not meet their PAN for the academic year 2024/5.
- Please include the number of places allocated and the PAN.
I would like to know the following: -
A list of all secondary schools who did not meet their PAN for the academic year 2024/5.
- Please include the number of places allocated and the PAN.
Answer: Please see the table below for answers to questions above.
School Name |
Offers for Y7 2024 |
Lady Hawkins’ School and Sixth Form Centre |
80 |
55 |
Earl Mortimer College (and Sixth Form Centre) |
140 |
107 |
John Kyrle High Academy |
240 |
200 |
The Hereford Academy |
150 |
144 |
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