FOI release

Grenfell/Flammable cladding

Case reference FOI2024/00237

Published 16 February 2024


I would like to know how much money in contracts from the council has been given to the following companies since July 2017: Kingspan and Rydon .

Following the Grenfell fire how many council tower blocks (over 18 meters high) were identified as having flammable cladding (likely made from aluminium composite material).

How many of these high rises still have flammable cladding?

How many other council-owned buildings, under 18m, currently have flammable cladding?

I would like this broken down into building type - school, hospital ect


I would like to know how much money in contracts from the council has been given to the following companies since July 2017: Kingspan and Rydon .

A: The specifying of products such as those supplied by Kingspan or Rydon would normally be part of a building project, where it would be for the Contractor to enter any agreements with suppliers and manufactures not Herefordshire Council. Therefore Herefordshire Council have not directly awarded any contracts to Kingspan or Rydon specifically to them. No payment has been made to either company in the time frame specified.

Following the Grenfell fire how many council tower blocks (over 18 meters high) were identified as having flammable cladding (likely made from aluminium composite material).

A: The council does not own any residential tower blocks over 18metres

How many of these high rises still have flammable cladding?

A: N/a

How many other council-owned buildings, under 18m, currently have flammable cladding? I would like this broken down into building type - school, hospital ect

A: The service area have advised that they don't record this information however they can confirm that to the best of their knowledge no buildings have metal or aluminium composite panels (ACM)


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