FOI release

Community Infrastructure Levy/Section 106 funding

Case reference FOI2022/01821

Published 22 December 2022


I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act regarding the spending of Community Infrastructure Levy and Section 106 funding in your area. I am asking for:

* Details of each project funded with Community Infrastructure Levy in the last five years which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

* Details of each project funded with Section 106 funding in the last five years which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

* The total monetary value of Community Infrastructure Levy funding in the last five years awarded to projects which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

* The total monetary value of Section 106 funding in the last five years awarded to projects which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

In these questions, I am asking for details of projects specifically aimed at early years services or childcare, rather than funding for schools, and I am referring to the last five full financial years (starting 2017/18).


* Details of each project funded with Community Infrastructure Levy in the last five years which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

Herefordshire Council has not adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and therefore there are no childcare or other early years projects funded by CIL.

* Details of each project funded with Section 106 funding in the last five years which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

* The total monetary value of Community Infrastructure Levy funding in the last five years awarded to projects which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

Herefordshire Council has not adopted a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and therefore there are no childcare or other early years project funded by CIL.

* The total monetary value of Section 106 funding in the last five years awarded to projects which provided childcare or other early years support to children.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.


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