FOI release

Population of great crested newts identified on the Barratt Homes development (P141526/O)

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference EIR2024/00831

Published 20 May 2024


Re: the population of great crested newts identified on the Barratt Homes development at Bishop Fields on the edge of Tupsley (P141526/O)

The Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (EDP March 2016) was "considered sufficient to discharge the requirements of conditions 20 and 21" pertaining to the identified protected species and biodiversity enhancement. It contained detailed provisions for Years 1 to 5 (see Objective 2 in Section 4). However, there were no specific provisions for the long-term management of great crested newts for Years 6 to 25 and beyond (see Section 5). Section 5.2 merely states that a review of the LEMP should be undertaken after 5 years and updated as required.

The LEMP was augmented by a Great Crested Newts Working Method Statement and Work Schedule which was apparently submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016, although this does not appear to be amongst the supporting documents on the planning portal.

Please could you therefore provide the following information:

1. The full working method statement and work schedule for the great crested newts on the Bishop Fields development agreed when planning permission was granted and, per the discharge notice, was submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016;

2. Details of the 5 year review that should have been undertaken and any subsequent amendments to the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan;

3. Details of any habitat protection and enhancement scheme agreed with Herefordshire Council for the long-term management of great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site (6 to 25 Years+);

4. Details of any long-term monitoring strategy for great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site agreed with Herefordshire Council (including frequency and results from the last two surveys).


Re: the population of great crested newts identified on the Barratt Homes development at Bishop Fields on the edge of Tupsley (P141526/O)

The Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (EDP March 2016) was "considered sufficient to discharge the requirements of conditions 20 and 21" pertaining to the identified protected species and biodiversity enhancement. It contained detailed provisions for Years 1 to 5 (see Objective 2 in Section 4). However, there were no specific provisions for the long-term management of great crested newts for Years 6 to 25 and beyond (see Section 5). Section 5.2 merely states that a review of the LEMP should be undertaken after 5 years and updated as required.

The LEMP was augmented by a Great Crested Newts Working Method Statement and Work Schedule which was apparently submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016, although this does not appear to be amongst the supporting documents on the planning portal.

Please could you therefore provide the following information:

1. The full working method statement and work schedule for the great crested newts on the Bishop Fields development agreed when planning permission was granted and, per the discharge notice, was submitted under email from David Poole on 5th July 2016;

The Service Area have confirmed that in line with our retention schedule we no longer hold this information. We did have a copy at the time of the application as the discharge of the planning condition refers to the document to discharge the condition. All information we hold in connection with the application or the discharge of conditions is available on Herefordshire Council's website and can be viewed via the link below:

Planning Search - Herefordshire Council

2. Details of the 5 year review that should have been undertaken and any subsequent amendments to the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan;

Section 6 of the Landscape and Ecological Management Plan (EDP March 2016) states at section 6:

6.1 - The responsibility of the undertakings set out within this LEMP rests with the

Developer and the private management company which is to be appointed by the


There is no requirement of the planning conditions or the Plan to submit details of a review or subsequent amendments to the council.

These details should be sought from the developer or the management company who should be acting for the benefit of the residents who will all contribute financially to the management company. Therefore we do not hold this information.

The developers contact details are:

Barratt Homes West Midlands

60 Whitehall Road

West Midlands B63 3JS

Tel: 01215 855303

Fax: 0121 585 5304

The management company details are:

Pinnacle Management Company

Head Office

Units 1, 2 & 3 Beech Court

Wokingham Road

RG10 0RQ

Tel: 01189 320180

Fax: 01189 320185


3. Details of any habitat protection and enhancement scheme agreed with Herefordshire Council for the long-term management of great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site (6 to 25 Years+);

As per the response to question 2.

4. Details of any long-term monitoring strategy for great crested newts on the Bishop Fields site agreed with Herefordshire Council (including frequency and results from the last two surveys).

As per the response to question 2.


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