FOI release

Roads with 20 mph speed limits

Case reference FOI2023/01997

Published 29 January 2024


1. Please can you give me a list of the locations where there are 20 mph speed limits in place in the county?

2. What evidence/information do you have that in general 20 mph speed limits reduce road accidents?

3. What are the council's criteria/policy for putting a 20 mph speed limit on a road?


1. Please can you give me a list of the locations where there are 20 mph speed limits in place in the county?

Please see attached 5 PDF documents of Map Based Schedules which indicate the location of 20mps speed limits and variants throughout the county.

2. What evidence/information do you have that in general 20 mph speed limits reduce road accidents?

The following points are factored into various UK studies:

Reduction in Collisions: Some studies have suggested that lower speed limits, such as 20 mph, can contribute to a reduction in the overall number of road traffic collisions. Slower speeds give drivers more time to react to potential hazards and reduce the severity of collisions when they do occur.

Reduction in Casualties: Lower speed limits are often associated with a decrease in the severity of injuries and fatalities when accidents do happen. Pedestrians and cyclists are particularly vulnerable, and lower speeds can improve their safety.

Community Support: Successful implementation of 20 mph zones often involves community support and compliance. When drivers adhere to the lower speed limits, the likelihood of collisions decreases.

Challenges in Enforcement: Enforcement of speed limits can be challenging. Studies have found that the effectiveness of 20 mph zones may be influenced by the level of enforcement and compliance. Measures such as traffic calming measures, engineering features or fixed/mobile speed camera enforcement can contribute to increased compliance.

Local Variations: The impact of 20 mph speed limits can vary depending on local factors, road design, and the specific characteristics of the area. What works in one location may not have the same effect in another.

Further information on the above is available from a 2018 report by Atkins who were commissioned by the Department of Transport to evaluate the effectiveness of 20mph (signed only) speed limits based on 12 case study schemes in England. This report is publicly available via the following link:

20mph research study - process and impact evaluation: headline report (

This report provides useful information on the 20mph case studies as well as what effectiveness over time such changes have made.

3. What are the council's criteria/policy for putting a 20 mph speed limit on a road?

Herefordshire Council's current criteria / policy for 20mph's can be found within the Local Transport Plan 2016 document, which is available to view on Herefordshire Council's website via the following link:

When investigating a Speed Limit Order for a 20mph speed limit, various factors go into the assessment of site, in which we use Speed Surveys, local stakeholder knowledge of the area, evidenced vehicles movements, Department for Transport Setting Local Speed Limits guidance as well as stakeholder consultation with statutory undertakers, including Police, Fire, Ambulance, Freight Transport & Road Haulage Associations.


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