FOI release

Malicious emails sent to the Council

Case reference FOI2021/00178

Published 22 November 2021


The date range for the requests is from 2018 to present day. The data shall include a breakdown by year.

Q1. How many malicious emails (e.g. phishing emails) have been successfully blocked?

Q2. What percentage of malicious emails were opened by staff?

Q3. What percentage of malicious links in the emails were clicked on by staff?

Q4. How many ransomware attacks were blocked?

Q5. How many ransomware attacks were successful?



2018 - No data held as figures are only reportable from June 2019 onwards

2019 - 282,213 (from June 2019 onwards)

2020 - 1,724,499

2021 (to date) - 1,701,255

Q2. Herefordshire Council do not report on the percentage of malicious emails opened by staff, therefore this information is not held.


2018 - No data held as figures are only reportable from June 2019 onwards

2019 - 0.004% (from June 2019 onwards)

2020 - 0.001%

2021 (to date) - 0.001%

Q4. 100%

Q5. None were successful.


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