FOI release

Costs for Bypass

Case reference FOI2023/00983

Published 29 June 2023


Herefordshire Council has a new administration committed to the Hereford bypass.

Please let me have:

(1) The total cost of the bypass proposal at the time it was originally agreed by the Council and

(2) Please let me have the full scientific analysis of the embodied carbon of the proposed Hereford Bypass. Embodied carbon (CO2e) is the total carbon content of materials (cement, concrete, steel, tarmac plus the fuel used in all construction activity).


Herefordshire Council has a new administration committed to the Hereford bypass.

Please let me have:

(1) The total cost of the bypass proposal at the time it was originally agreed by the Council and

At the time of the scheme was removed from the capital programme a budget allocation of £190m had been made by Council. This budget figure will have been based upon a whole scheme estimate and will have an element of optimism bias embedded within it.

(2) Please let me have the full scientific analysis of the embodied carbon of the proposed Hereford Bypass. Embodied carbon (CO2e) is the total carbon content of materials (cement, concrete, steel, tarmac plus the fuel used in all construction activity).

As the scheme had not progressed to detail design then the full analysis referred to will not have been undertaken.

The decision to remove the bypass from the core strategy can be found here.

Other documentation relating to the Hereford Bypass and Southern Link Road scheme can be found here:

The link will open an explorer window and will search the Herefordshire Council website for documents relating to the Hereford Bypass.


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