FOI release

Adult Social Care Overdue Review's Performance

Case reference FOI2022/01735

Published 20 January 2023


The Isle of Wight Council's Adult Social Care & Housing Needs Directorate is looking at how it is performing against other Local Authorities in the country surrounding Overdue Reviews. As part of a project initiation, please can you provide the following performance figures as of 30.11.2022:

1. How many Reviews do you have for the following categories:

a. 6 Week Reviews

b. 6 Month Reviews

c. 12 month Reviews

d. Over 1 Year

e. 2 Years

2. How many of these Reviews are 'Overdue' in the following categories:

a. 6 Week Reviews

b. 6 Month Reviews

c. 12 month Reviews

d. Over 1 Year

e. 2 Years

Furthermore, do you have a publicly accessible policy on managing reviews which could be provided within your response to this FOI.


The Isle of Wight Council's Adult Social Care & Housing Needs Directorate is looking at how it is performing against other Local Authorities in the country surrounding Overdue Reviews. As part of a project initiation, please can you provide the following performance figures as of 30.11.2022:

To answer this query:

For Question 1 we have looked for those reviews (Strength Based Assessment Review, Short Term Reviews, Re-Assessments with a care package in place following D2a and Third SBA Reviews which are placeholders for a scheduled Assessment) with an incoming date prior to 30-Nov-22 and are not completed.

For Question 2, we have filtered out those reviews from Question 1 that have scheduled date prior to 30-Nov-22. The assessments become immediately overdue.

Please note: We have 3 categories of Reviews, a 6 week Short Term Support Plan review that reviews the Support Plan, this directly follows the Support Plan and an annual review following the 6week Short Term Support Plan Review that reviews the Strength Based Assessment (SBA). After the initial SBA review, a client is reviewed annually, up to a total of 3 annual reviews in succession before being re-assessed. We have also counted planned Assessments as reviews for clients currently in receipt of a service following D2A Discharge.

We have not included reviews scheduled post 30 November 2022.

1. How many Reviews do you have for the following categories:

a. 6 Week Reviews

870 (580 of these are short term reviews to be undertaken 6 weeks after support plan and 290 assessments due for completion following 6 weeks D2a with an existing care package prior to admission.

b. 6 Month Reviews

Not applicable, please see above note.

c. 12 month Reviews

869 (862 of these are Annual Reviews - to be undertaken 12 months after Support Plan and 7 of which are planned Assessments which are to be undertaken 12 months following 3 prior successive reviews)

d. Over 1 Year

Not applicable, please see above note.

e. 2 Years

Not applicable, please see above note.

2. How many of these Reviews are 'Overdue' in the following categories:

a. 6 Week Reviews

787 (497 of these are Short Term Reviews - to be undertaken 6 weeks after Support Plan and 290 assessments due for completion following 6 week D2a with an existing care package prior to admission)

b. 6 Month Reviews

Not applicable, please see above note.

c. 12 month Reviews

814 (807 of these are Annual Reviews - to be undertaken 12 months following 3 prior successive reviews)

d. Over 1 Year

Not applicable, please see above note.

e. 2 Years

Not applicable, please see above note.

Furthermore, do you have a publicly accessible policy on managing reviews which could be provided within your response to this FOI.

Care and support and meeting your needs policy - Herefordshire Council


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