FOI release

Affordable housing units & section 106 payments 2020-2023

Case reference FOI2023/00946

Published 22 June 2023


I write with 5 separate requests for information:

1. How many affordable housing units have been provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments that were signed in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?

2. What percentage of overall housing units in this local authority have been provided by as a result of these planning agreements?

3. How many of the affordable housing units provided as a result of planning agreements related to residential-led developments in 2022/23 were for (a) social rent, (b) affordable rent, (c) shared equity/shared ownership, (d) discounted market housing (including starter homes) and (e) other affordable housing tenure.

4. How much was received by the authority in S106 payments in financial years (a) 2020/21 (b) 2021/22, and (c) 2022/23?

5. How much money received via S106 agreements is held, unspent, by the local planning authority? How much of this figure is specifically earmarked for (a) affordable housing provision, (b) highways improvements (c) education contributions, (d) social infrastructure, (e) healthcare services and (f) other?

Please find attached a spreadsheet where responses to this request can be entered.


Please see attached spreadsheet.


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