FOI release

Unauthorised School Absences 2018-2022

Case reference FOI2022/00388

Published 11 May 2022


For ease of access, please fill out your answers to each of these six questions (labelled Q1 - Q6) in the template Excel sheet attached, and reply with a completed copy.

Each question's dataset should be broken down into four academic years (Sept - July): 2018-19, 2019-20, 2020-21 and 2021-Easter 2022. This is reflected in the template Excel sheet.

Please find the questions in full below:

Q1. How many parenting orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




2021 - Easter 22

Q2. How many education supervision orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




2021 - Easter 22

Q3. How many school attendance orders have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




2021 - Easter 22

Q4. How many fines/fixed penalty notices have been issued for non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July and what was their total value in £? Broken down as follows:

For clarification: we are asking for any penalty notices issued at any time of year for absences within each specified academic year (represented by that September to July period). Same for the payments and other sanctions - please file these under when the absences were recorded, as opposed to when the fines etc were issued.




2021 - Easter 22

Q5. In how many cases have parents been prosecuted related to non attendance of children at school in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:

For clarity, please file these under when the absences occurred.




2021 - Easter 22 (please include cases where proceedings have begun)

Q6. Please provide details of the penalties imposed as a result of prosecution for non attendance of children at school - the number of prison sentences, community orders, or fines - in the academic years Sept - July? Broken down as follows:




2021 - Easter 22


Please see the attached spreadsheet.

Please note that the response to Questions 4 and 5 is based on the date the council issued penalty notices and the date of court hearings, rather than when the absences were recorded/occurred. The council does not record cases by absence date but by the date we issue penalty notices and the date of court hearings.


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