FOI release

Enforcement of standards in private rented sector

Case reference FOI2022/00219

Published 27 March 2022


Please provide the following information for the financial year 2020-21: 1. How many service requests did the council receive that related to conditions in private rented homes? 2. How many inspections of private rented homes did the council carry out a) in response to service requests and b) as part of licensing enforcement? 3. In how many private rented homes did the council find Category 1 Hazards during inspections? 4. How many a) Improvement Notices b) Prohibition Orders and c) Emergency Remedial Action Notices did the council issue in relation to private rented homes? 5. How many successful prosecutions of private landlords or agents for offences relating to rented housing did the council carry out? 6. How many a) notices of intent and b) final notices relating to civil penalties for housing offences did the council impose? 7. How many Rent Repayment Orders did the council a) successfully apply for and b) assist an occupier to apply for? 8. How many allegations did the council record of offences under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977? 9. How many enforcement notices did the council serve relating to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards? 10. How many prosecutions did the council pursue for offences relating to a) mandatory licensing of HMOs and b) discretionary licensing of houses?


1. How many service requests did the council receive that related to conditions in private rented homes?

A. 529

2. How many inspections of private rented homes did the council carry out a) in response to service requests and b) as part of licensing enforcement?

A) 13 b) 17

3. In how many private rented homes did the council find Category 1 Hazards during inspections?

A. 9

4. How many a) Improvement Notices b) Prohibition Orders and c) Emergency Remedial Action Notices did the council issue in relation to private rented homes?

a) 2 b) 5 c) 0

5. How many successful prosecutions of private landlords or agents for offences relating to rented housing did the council carry out?


6. How many a) notices of intent and b) final notices relating to civil penalties for housing offences did the council impose?

a) 4 b) 5

7. How many Rent Repayment Orders did the council a) successfully apply for and b) assist an occupier to apply for?

a) 0 b) 0

8. How many allegations did the council record of offences under the Protection from Eviction Act 1977?

A. 13

9. How many enforcement notices did the council serve relating to Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards?


10. How many prosecutions did the council pursue for offences relating to a) mandatory licensing of HMOs and b) discretionary licensing of houses?

a) 0 b) 0


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