FOI release

Flood risk management strategy

Case reference FOI2021/00110

Published 26 November 2021


Q1. Is the council a Lead Local Flood Authority? If so, please provide the number of people employed by the council in flood risk-related roles for each year from 2010 to the present date, or most recently available.

Q2. Has the council developed or is it currently developing a Flood Risk Management Strategy for 2021 onwards? If so, please provide any estimate the council has made of how much it would cost to implement the measures proposed in the latest version of this document.

Q3. Has the council ever applied for Flood Defence Grant in Aid to fund or partly fund flood risk management schemes? If so, please provide the total amount of grant applied for and the total amount awarded. Please provide these figures annually from 2015 to the present day.


Q1. Yes, Herefordshire Council is a Lead Local Flood Authority.

In addition to a Lead Officer for flooding, since 2018 the council has also employed a Natural Flood Management Project Officer. Furthermore, the council's public realm contract for providing services includes highways, public rights of way, parks and open spaces, street cleaning, street lighting and flooding. The contract was initially operated by Amey and one Senior Engineer was employed. Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) has been the council's contractual partner since 2013 and since then a Senior Engineer and an Assistant Engineer have been employed.

Q2. No estimate has been made as to how much it would cost to implement the actions within the latest Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). As part of the 2021/22 annual plan for the public realm services contract with BBLP, we are commencing a review/refresh of the LFRMS.


2016/17 - Ross FAS (Flood alleviation scheme) upgrade - £40,000 applied for and granted

2016/17 - Cradley - £11,300 applied for and granted

2018/19 to 2020/21 - River Wye and Lugg Natural Flood Management Project - £661,000 applied for and granted

2018/19 - Hereford Integrated Catchment Management Strategy - £50,000 applied for and granted

2019/20 - Lea FAS - £228,864 applied for and granted

2021/22 - Brimfield, Orleton & Little Hereford FAS - £35,585 applied for and granted


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