FOI release

Parent and Carer Committees 1st January 2020 - 31st December 2021

Case reference FOI2022/00458

Published 17 May 2022


For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, does your local authority:

(This relates to children and families social services departments.)

Q1. Have a parent and carer advisory committee?

Q2. Have a stakeholder advisory committee?

Q3. How do parents and carers apply to take part in the committee?


For the period starting 1st January 2020 and ending 31st December 2021, does your local authority:

(This relates to children and families social services departments.)

Q1. Have a parent and carer advisory committee?


Q2. Have a stakeholder advisory committee?


Q3. How do parents and carers apply to take part in the committee?

The Service Area have provided the following information relating to council meetings which I trust might be helpful.

The vast majority of council meetings are open to attend by the public and the press. Furthermore, all public council committees make provision for public questions. A question may be asked, if notice has been given, by delivering it in writing to the Monitoring Officer three clear working days before the day of the meeting. Copies of all accepted questions and answers are published on the council website before the start of the meeting and shall be made available to the public attending the meeting.

Supplementary questions: A questioner who is present at the meeting (or who has provided a question in writing to be read aloud at the meeting) may at the discretion of the chairperson, ask one supplementary question. A supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or the reply.

Answers to public questions: Answers to accepted questions will be published before the start of the meeting. An answer to a supplementary question will be provided by the member to whom the question was put or his/ her nominee. The answer may be either a direct verbal answer, a referral to an existing publication, or if the question requests service information, a referral to an officer to respond in writing. If the reply cannot conveniently be given verbally, if the member to whom the question is put is absent, or the time allowed for public questions has expired, a written answer will normally be provided within ten working days of the meeting. A record of all questions, supplementary questions and answers provided, whether verbally or in writing, will be published on the website as an appendix to the minutes of the meeting.

Where these rules do not apply it will be clearly stated.


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