FOI release

Discretionary Housing Payments 2021/22

Case reference FOI2022/00868

Published 21 July 2022


I am writing to make a Freedom of Information request concerning your Council's expenditure on Discretionary Housing Payments (DHPs) for the 2021/22 financial year. I am aware some information on DHPs is submitted to the Department for Work & Pensions in its analysis of End of Year returns from local authorities. This includes the total number of awards, DHP financial expenditure and Government contribution original allocation. These monitoring returns provide details of the purpose of the DHP award, such as to secure and move to alternative accommodation and rental costs, split by the welfare form for which households have been affected.

What is not included in this information is the amount of DHPs that were awarded per purpose of DHP award, and the amount/value of DHPs applied for which are not awarded.

I am requesting this information, as detailed in Table 1 attached spreadsheet, and also request splits of this data by the age band of the claimant. If possible, please can the figures just for those where the claimant is aged between 16 and 30 be provided.


Please see the attached spreadsheet.

Please note that we do not hold information on the ages of claimants, and the number of declined / unsuccessful applications broken down by type is also not recorded.


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