FOI release

DPIA's for the library service

Case reference FOI2022/00743

Published 8 June 2022


Under the Freedom of Information Act, please provide me with a copy of any Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs) that have commenced between 25th May 2018 and 25th March 2022. Which relate to your Library service - I am only interested in :

* DPIAs relate to the extension of library open hours to allow library members to use library facilities on a self-service basis outside of regular opening hours.

* DPIAs relate to the automated access to the library for members via membership cards during unstaffed hours.

* Any DPIAs that relate to the operation of CCTV systems in library facilities.


In response to the above, the council has not completed / does not hold any DPIA's which relate to the extension of library opening hours to allow library members to use library facilities on a self-service basis outside of regular opening hours, automated access to the library for members via membership cards during unstaffed hours or any that relate to the operation of CCTV systems in library facilities.


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