FOI release

Planning appeals and costs for 2019/20 - 2023/24

Case reference FOI2024/00143

Published 23 February 2024


As a point of clarification, there was an error in the original request. The points should read:

• The number of successful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

• The number of unsuccessful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

• The amount of money the local authority has spent on successfully defending planning appeals.

• The amount of money the local authority has spent on unsuccessful defending planning appeals.

The time frame for this request should be 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24.

Please also break these down by all applications and applications specifically for house-building (applications that would deliver a net increase in habitable dwellings).


As a point of clarification, there was an error in the original request. The points should read:

• The number of successful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

A) 2019/2020 = 7

2020/2021 = 15

2021/2022 = 22

2022/2023 = 11

2023/2024 (to 20/02/2024) = 21

• The number of unsuccessful planning appeals made against the local (planning) authority.

A) 2019/2020 = 62

2020/2021 = 53

2021/2022 = 38

2022/2023 = 24

2023/2024 (to 20/02/2024) = 45

• The amount of money the local authority has spent on successfully defending planning appeals.

A) There is no record of the amount of money spent defending planning appeals (either successfully or unsuccessfully) as it is not quantifiable. It is part of the day to day operation of the work of the planning officers in development management.

• The amount of money the local authority has spent on unsuccessful defending planning appeals.

A) Please see the response above.

The time frame for this request should be 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22, 2022/23, and 2023/24.

Please also break these down by all applications and applications specifically for house-building (applications that would deliver a net increase in habitable dwellings).

A) Please see the attached FOI2024 00143 Breakdown of Applications Spreadsheet.


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