FOI release

Whistleblowing disclosures in Education

Case reference FOI2022/01242

Published 29 September 2022


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Local Education Authority. Please may you provide us with the following:

1. How many whistleblowing disclosures have you received over the last two years?

2. Can you provide a breakdown of the whistleblowing concerns received over the last two years?

3. The current headcount/total number of staff in your whistleblowing team.

4. The amount of expenditure allocated to your whistleblowing team, department or function that deals with disclosures made concerning the bodies, entities or individuals you regulate, supervise or oversee over the last two years.

5. Any relevant documents or processes you have in place for dealing with whistleblowing concerns over the last two years.


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information from your Local Education Authority. Please may you provide us with the following:

1. How many whistleblowing disclosures have you received over the last two years?


2. Can you provide a breakdown of the whistleblowing concerns received over the last two years?


3. The current headcount/total number of staff in your whistleblowing team.

The council does not maintain a distinct whistleblowing team. The work is managed by the council's monitoring officer (Director of Governance and Law) and the work is shared out amongst staff in either the legal department or other releveant departments, for example human resources. No one officer deals solely with whistleblowing matters.

4. The amount of expenditure allocated to your whistleblowing team, department or function that deals with disclosures made concerning the bodies, entities or individuals you regulate, supervise or oversee over the last two years.

No particular expenditure is allocated to the whistleblowing team as no such team is maintained.

5. Any relevant documents or processes you have in place for dealing with whistleblowing concerns over the last two years.

Please see attached the council's whistleblowing policy.


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