FOI release

Apps used

Case reference FOI2021/00099

Published 5 November 2021


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please may you provide me with the following:

Do you have an app?

When was it launched?

How many people have downloaded the app since its launch?

How many reports have come through the app since its launch?

Do you have a Chatbot?

Is it internal for staff or external for customers?

Which supplier did you go with or was it built in-house?

When was it released to the public?

How many conversations have taken place since launch?


Q1 Do you have an app?

We have a PWA web application for report it functionality.

Q2 When was it launched?

September 2018

Q3 How many people have downloaded the app since its launch?

No download required for a PWA web application.

Q4 How many reports have come through the app since its launch?


Q5 Do you have a Chatbot?

Herefordshire Council's website currently has a NavBot which can be developed into a ChatBot but this is an ongoing development with the supplier to meet the needs of Herefordshire Council.

Q6 Is it internal for staff or external for customers?

Members of the public.

Q7 Which supplier did you go with or was it built in-house?

The supplier is We Build Bots.

Q8 When was it released to the public?

April 2020.

Q9 How many conversations have taken place since launch?

67505 requests received to date.


There are no documents for this release.

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