FOI release

Idle vehicles (reports and fines)

Case reference FOI2021/00187

Published 13 December 2021


Q1. How many reports of idle vehicles (when a vehicle is parked but the engine is running) the council has received since 1 January 2019 to present. Please break down the figures into years. (I.e number in 2019, number in 2020 and up to now in 2021)

Q2. Please include how many fines were issued for each year.

Q3. Please include the highest and lowest fine for each year.


Q1. The Parking team are only able to provide data for 2020 and 2021, of which there have been no known reports.

Environmental Health and Trading Standards have advised there were no reports in the timescale provided.

Q2. No fines were issued by the Parking team or Environmental Health and Trading Standards.

Q3. N/A as no fines were issued by the Parking team or Environmental Health and Trading Standards.


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