Council’s Management of Direct Payments and Related Services
Case reference FOI2024/02035
Received 6 December 2024
Published 30 December 2024
I hope this email finds you well. I am submitting a Freedom of Information (FOI) request to gather information about the council’s management of Direct Payments and related services. Please could you provide the following information: 1. Outsourcing of Services a. Does the council currently outsource the following services? Direct Payments Support Services (e.g., assisting individuals to manage direct payment funds and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations).
Answer: Yes
Direct Payment Payroll Services (e.g., managing payroll for personal assistants or carers paid through direct payments).
Answer: Yes b. If outsourced, please provide: Whether this is via a framework or sole supplier.
Answer: The service are have advised there is an approved providers list with 3 providers on.
The name of the provider(s).
Answer: Services for Independent Living Ltd, Penderels Trust and Compass Independent Living
The start and end dates of the contract(s).
Answer: There is no set contract with the providers.
The annual cost of each contract.
Answer: This is not applicable.
2. Functions Offered as Part of the Direct Payments Process a. Does the council offer the following functions as part of its Direct Payments process? Pre-paid card function for managing direct payment funds.
Answer: Yes.
Independent Service Fund (ISF) option for managing direct payment funds.
Answer: No.
Appointeeship scheme.
Answer: Yes b. If yes, please specify: Whether these functions are managed in-house or outsourced. The name of the provider (if outsourced).
Pre-paid cards – Outsourced – allpay Ltd
Appointeeship – Outsourced – Hoople Ltd 3. Service Delivery Details If the above services or functions are delivered in-house, please provide: a. The internal team or department responsible for delivering Direct Payments Support Services. Direct Payment Payroll Services. Pre-paid card functions (if applicable). Independent Service Fund management (if applicable). b. The annual budget allocated for these services and functions.
Answer: These questions are not applicable. 4. Procurement and Contracting a. How does the council procure these services and functions? If procured through a framework agreement, please provide: The portal or website where the opportunities are advertised. Whether the council has any plans to re-tender these services. If procured through a direct tender process, please provide: The date of the most recent tender issued for these services. Any plans or timelines for future tender opportunities.
Answer: allpay ltd is purchased via the NEPO Framework awarded after a mini competition procurement exercise. It is advertised on Supplying the Southwest.
Not appliable for Hoople. Hoople Ltd is a teckal company whose shareholders consist of Herefordshire Council, Wye Valley NHS Trust & Lincolnshire County Council.
5. Contact Information Could you provide the name, job title, and contact details of the person(s) responsible for: a. Commissioning Direct Payments Support Services. b. Commissioning Direct Payment Payroll Services. c. Commissioning pre-paid card or ISF functions (if applicable). d. Procurement or contract management of these services and functions.
Hayley Doyle - Service Director, All Age Commissioning. Question 5c is not applicable.
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