FOI release

CCTV - Aylestone Hill

Case reference FOI2023/00608

Published 4 April 2023


'A survey of females took place in Hereford City and the results of those surveys along with police intelligence identified all the locations. Aylestone Hill was identified due to the sheer volume of people of all genders and ages using it to access and exit the city centre at all times of the day and night.'

Is this survey available or a summary of its results?

In view of the considerable expansion of the camera program it seems that there should be a more recent version of Herefordshire council's self-assessment 2017.


'A survey of females took place in Hereford City and the results of those surveys along with police intelligence identified all the locations. Aylestone Hill was identified due to the sheer volume of people of all genders and ages using it to access and exit the city centre at all times of the day and night.'

Is this survey available or a summary of its results?

Herefordshire Council do not hold this information. The survey was undertaken by West Mercia Police you will need to make a request to West Mercia Police via the following link:

In view of the considerable expansion of the camera program it seems that there should be a more recent version of Herefordshire council's self-assessment 2017.

No, this is due to be updated in the coming months when the program is completed to take onboard all of the new cameras that have been installed.


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