FOI release

Glyphosate based herbicides used by/on behalf of the Council on Sites of Scientific Interest

Case reference EIR2023/01023

Published 3 July 2023


Which glyphosate-based herbicides are currently used by or on behalf of the council on Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) that are owned by, managed by, or under the control of the council.

Please can you provide the data for the most recent 12-month period for which the information is available?

Please can you also specify the amount and brand of each glyphosate-based herbicide in question, as well as the size of the area over which they are used?


Which glyphosate-based herbicides are currently used by or on behalf of the council on Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) that are owned by, managed by, or under the control of the council.

Roundup proactive or Nomix Duel is used to treat any invasive or injurious weeds on highway land (including ragwort, Japanese knotweed and giant hogweed).

Please can you provide the data for the most recent 12-month period for which the information is available?

We treat 191 sites around the county. We do not record which of these sites are specifically Sites of Special Scientific Interest.

Please can you also specify the amount and brand of each glyphosate-based herbicide in question, as well as the size of the area over which they are used?

The brands used are Roundup proactive or Nomix Duel. We do not record the size of the areas or quantities used.


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