FOI release

Taxi licensing

Case reference FOI2021/00051

Published 4 November 2021


I would like to submit a freedom of information request regarding Taxi licensing. Please can you provide the following information

Q1. Total number of Hackney Carriage vehicles currently licenced by your authority.

Q2. Do you impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light?

Q3. If yes to Q2 what is the wording of this condition?

Q4. If yes to Q2 have you received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights? If so how many? And how many of these were on grounds of public safety?


Q1. Total number of Hackney Carriage vehicles currently licenced by your authority.


Q2. Do you impose a vehicle condition relating to a top light?


Q3. If yes to Q2 what is the wording of this condition?

All licensed vehicles (except purpose built Hackney carriages with a built in roof sign and private hire vehicles) are to have roof signs the minimum width of which is to be 45cm, with "Herefordshire Council" above and "Licensed Hackney carriage" below the word "Taxi" on both the front and rear. The front of the signs shall be green in colour as specified by the council. The rear of the sign shall be red in colour and may show the fleet number, not more than 7.5cm in diameter, in the top right hand of the sign. No other markings shall be permitted on the roof signs. The licence holder and driver of the taxi shall maintain the sign in efficient working order. The sign shall be capable of being so operated that at night it indicates clearly and conveniently to persons outside the carriage whether or not the vehicle is available to hire. However, when the vehicle is proceeding to a pre-booked hire there is no need for the sign to be illuminated.

The roof sign shall be displayed facing forward on the front part of the roof.

Q4. If yes to Q2 have you received any complaints or requests to remove the condition relating to top lights? If so how many? And how many of these were on grounds of public safety?

No complaints or requests to remove this condition have been received.


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