FOI release

Council Website

Case reference FOI2022/01085

Published 8 August 2022


Public Facing Council Website

Q1. What CMS/software and version does your public facing council website use? (e.g. In-house, Sharepoint, Jadu, Drupal 7)

Q2. Is your public facing council website hosted and supported by a third party IT partner or on-premise? If a third party, when does your current contract expire?

Q3. When was your public facing council website launched?

Q4. What are your separate budgets for hosting/supporting and development for your public facing council website?

Q5. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining your public facing council website?

Digital Accessibility

Q6. When was your public facing council website last audited for accessibility compliance?

Q7. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining accessibility compliance across your public facing websites?

Website Content

Q8. Do you work with external marketing/communications suppliers to create content for your public facing services?

Q9. When was the last time you conducted a content audit on your website to remove outdated content?


Public Facing Council Website

Q1. What CMS/software and version does your public facing council website use? (e.g. In-house, Sharepoint, Jadu, Drupal 7)

The CMS is Jadu CMS version (21.2.0). There is some legacy Umbraco CMS in use.

Q2. Is your public facing council website hosted and supported by a third party IT partner or on-premise? If a third party, when does your current contract expire?

Hosted by a third party, public cloud (AWS), part of Jadu contract and an annual charge applies, contract review point is annually on 17 January.

Q3. When was your public facing council website launched?

The Herefordshire Council site launched in December 1999.

Q4. What are your separate budgets for hosting/supporting and development for your public facing council website?

ICT support and development is provided by a third party and we have no breakdown of these costs - it is a single figure for an annual IT service. However, it is estimated that the effort is circa. 2-3 people (depending on level of development undertaken at any time) and therefore costs are estimated in the region of £100,000 varying from year to year.

Q5. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining your public facing council website?

ICT Client has overall accountability but services are commissioned via a third party (see response to Question 4).

Digital Accessibility

Q6. When was your public facing council website last audited for accessibility compliance?

It was signed off by the Government Digital Service (GDS) on 21 December 2021.

The site is crawled every 5 days by Site Improvement

and monthly scans on a subset of pages and downloads by

Internal accessibility checking tools used are Wave / Sortsite.

Site template accessibility managed by supplier (Jadu).

Q7. Which team/department/individual is responsible for maintaining accessibility compliance across your public facing websites?

ICT Client has overall accountability but the services are commissioned via a third party.

Website Content

Q8. Do you work with external marketing/communications suppliers to create content for your public facing services?

Not at the moment or specifically for the website although product, such as branding, is reused on the site.

Q9. When was the last time you conducted a content audit on your website to remove outdated content?

Content is not reviewed as a whole, it is audited as work on various parts of the website takes place (or as follows). An automated review reminder for departments to check their web content is being set up and this is a rolling programme from September 2022.


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