FOI release

Expenditure related to software in Children's Services Department

Case reference FOI2024/00088

Published 31 January 2024


I am writing to submit a Freedom of Access of Information Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to obtain information on the expenditure related to software in your Children's Services Department.

Specifically, I am seeking the following information:

Q1. Does your Local Authority have the following departments:

1. Adult Social Care Commissioning

2. Children's Social Care Commissioning

If so, please can you provide the contact details for the person who would make decisions about subscribing to software.

Q2. Details on the monthly costs associated with different types of software utilised in Children's Services. Please provide information on the following:

1. The names and types of software applications or systems used in Children's Services.

2. The monthly cost for each software application or system.

If possible, please categorise the costs and provide any additional relevant details regarding the functionalities and features covered by each software.

Q3. Please can you also provide information about what would be the preferred charging structure when supplying software to your local authority, specifically around:

1. Is it better to pay annually or monthly?

2. What's the preferred method of payment?


I am writing to submit a Freedom of Access of Information Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to obtain information on the expenditure related to software in your Children's Services Department.

Specifically, I am seeking the following information:

Q1. Does your Local Authority have the following departments:

1. Adult Social Care Commissioning

2. Children's Social Care Commissioning

If so, please can you provide the contact details for the person who would make decisions about subscribing to software.

The Local Authority operate an All Ages Commissioning Department to include Adult Social Care and Children's Social Care.

Hayley Doyle - Service Director All Age Commissioning, Community Wellbeing.


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Q2. Details on the monthly costs associated with different types of software utilised in Children's Services. Please provide information on the following:

1. The names and types of software applications or systems used in Children's Services.

Both Adults and Children's Social Care Directorate use Mosaic.

Other software specifically included in the Access UK contract and used by Social Care (not including generic corporate software) is:

· Abacus Finance

· MeLearning training

2. The monthly cost for each software application or system.

If possible, please categorise the costs and provide any additional relevant details regarding the functionalities and features covered by each software.

The way a contract is paid is purely down to what was the agreed payment method. The costs for these contracts are paid annually and we have therefore provided the figures below based on annual cost.

Mosaic - is shared equally between the Directorates and costs approximately £195,000 per annum.

Abacus Finance - £15,000 per annum.

MeLearning Training - £14,200 per annum.

Q3. Please can you also provide information about what would be the preferred charging structure when supplying software to your local authority, specifically around:

1. Is it better to pay annually or monthly?

It is really dependant on the size, risk and type of contract, as a general rule the council would prefer to pay contracts monthly or quarterly in arrears however we have paid some smaller value contracts on an annual basis as well as monthly. The payment schedule is purely dependant on the nature of the contract and the payment terms associated with each contract. The Council can cover off any type of payment schedule as long as it has been agreed and signed off by both the Council and the supplier/provider.

2. What's the preferred method of payment?

The standard payment method is via BACS.


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