FOI release

Public Spaces Protection Order signs

Case reference FOI2024/00024

Published 16 January 2024


• Herefordshire Council Policy & Procedure document in relation to the introduction and implementation of Public Spaces Protection Order's (PSPO).

• The completed application 'case file' for this particular PSPO.

• The results of the initial evidence gathering phase.

• Any assessments made in relation to the application site.

• The consultation and process results - both generic & site specific

• The correspondence sent to the relevant Local Parish Councillor as part of the consultation process and when.

•When and if any site notices were displayed, press notification or other Parish notices.

• The relevant PSCO order covering the site and when it was made.


• Herefordshire Council Policy & Procedure document in relation to the introduction and implementation of Public Spaces Protection Order's (PSPO).

A: The Council has a policy regarding the Public spaces protection orders which is publically available on Herefordshire Council and can be viewed via the following link:

As such we consider this information to be exempt under Section 21 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 because it is reasonably accessible to you via other means. Please take this letter as a refusal notice under S17 of the Act.

• The completed application 'case file' for this particular PSPO.

A: There is no completed case file as still on going

• The results of the initial evidence gathering phase.

A: This has not yet been completed. But there are no changes within the Upton Bishop area that have been submitted

• Any assessments made in relation to the application site.

A: No assessments have been completed yet

• The consultation and process results - both generic & site specific.

A: The formal consultation has not started but will be commencing shortly.

• The correspondence sent to the relevant Local Parish Councillor as part of the consultation process and when.

A: Currently the council is reviewing and renewing the PSPO for dog control to take effect when the current PSPO expires. We have been gathering information from the parish councils regarding if any changes to the current one are needed. Parish councils were emailed on 17th November 2023. Currently, there are no changes within the Upton Bishop parish area.

•When and if any site notices were displayed, press notification or other Parish notices.

A: Regarding the signs that have been put up, the one for dog fouling is part of the current order but the dogs on leads is not therefore arrangements have been made to remove this sign.

• The relevant PSCO order covering the site and when it was made.

A: The current Public spaces protection order for dog control can be found on the council's website at This order has been inforce since 2018 and was extended in 2021 as the orders only last for 3 years. The current order expires in March 2024. It includes dog fouling for the whole of the county but restricts where no dogs are allowed and dogs on leads but also includes dogs on lead by instruction.


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