FOI release

Monies received and allocated for Section 106 agreements

Case reference FOI2024/00955

Received 28 May 2024

Published 6 June 2024


In accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I write with 4 separate requests for information.

1. How much money received via Section 106 agreements is currently held, unspent, by the local planning authority?

2. How much of this figure (Q1) is allocated for:

a) affordable housing provision,

b) highways/roads,

c) schools and education contributions,

d) social infrastructure (e.g. recreation, open spaces, play areas),

e) health and social care services,

f) un-allocated?

3. How much of this figure (Q1) was received:

a) in the 2023/24 or 2024/25 financial years,

b) between the 2019/20 and 2022/23 financial years (inclusive),

c) in the 2018/19 financial year or earlier?

4. How much money received via Section 106 agreements has been returned to the developer within the last ten years (2013/14 financial year onwards), due to it not being spent in the required time frame?

If the reason for returning money to the developer has not been recorded, please just put here the total amount of Section 106 money that has been returned to developers for any reason.


In accordance with the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I write with 4 separate requests for information.

1. How much money received via Section 106 agreements is currently held, unspent, by the local planning authority?

2. How much of this figure (Q1) is allocated for:

a) affordable housing provision,

b) highways/roads,

c) schools and education contributions,

d) social infrastructure (e.g. recreation, open spaces, play areas),

e) health and social care services,

f) un-allocated?

3. How much of this figure (Q1) was received:

a) in the 2023/24 or 2024/25 financial years,

b) between the 2019/20 and 2022/23 financial years (inclusive),

c) in the 2018/19 financial year or earlier?

4. How much money received via Section 106 agreements has been returned to the developer within the last ten years (2013/14 financial year onwards), due to it not being spent in the required time frame?

If the reason for returning money to the developer has not been recorded, please just put here the total amount of Section 106 money that has been returned to developers for any reason.

A) Please see the attached FOI2024 00955 Response Spreadsheet.


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