FOI release

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Points

Case reference FOI2022/01381

Published 10 October 2022


Q1. Email Address that the FOI was sent to

Q2. The name of your local authority in full

Q3. How many public EVCPs are there within your local authority area? * An EVCP refers to a device, not a location or connector. For example, in one single location, there may be two charging points. Each charging point may have 4 connectors/sockets. We are only looking for the '2" figure.

Q4. What is the most common speed of EVCPs within the local authority area?

Select N/A if there are no EVCPs within your local authority

Select 'unknown' if you are not sure.

- Slow (3kw-6kw)

- Fast (7kw Single Phase)

- Faster (up to 22kw Three phase)

- Rapid (43kW AC/ 50kW DC)

- Ultra-Rapid (100+ kW DC)

- N/A Unknown

Q5. How many 22kW or above EVCPs is your local authority planning to install in the next 12 months? Please use a whole number.

Q6. How many public EVCPs currently operate within your local authority?

Q7. Do public EVCPs need planning permission from your local authority?

- Yes

- No

- Dependent on location/infrastructure/case

Q8. Does the local authority currently operate any public EVCPs?

Q9. Has the local authority a published Electric Vehicle, or Electric Vehicle Charging Point strategy in place?

Q10. How does your local authority plan to pay for installing future EVCPs?

- Local Authority owned and operated

- Public/private partnership

- Wholly third-party owned and operated

- Decision not yet confirmed

Q11. What does the authority classify as the greatest barrier to the deployment of public EVCPs?

Q12. Does your local authority/council/borough record data internally - on public EVCPs? For example, using Zap-Map would be 'No'

- Yes

- No

Q13. If yes to the above, please tick all the aspects of data recorded internally by your local authority

- Number of EVCPs

- Location of EVCPs

- Speed of EVCPs

- Whether the EVCP installation was notified to the DNO

- Ongoing maintenance/condition of the EVCP D

- Date of installation

- Installation provider

- How the EVCPs were funded

- Other forms of data (please provide info)

Q14. Within your local authority, what percentage (%) of public EVCPs are lamppost/curb-side chargers?

Q15. Last year, we asked how many 22kw public EVCPs were planned for installation within your area between September 2021 and September 2022. Did you achieve this target?

- Yes

- No

- Not Applicable - Did not have a target

Q16. If no, what % of your target did you achieve?

Q17. Have you received any of the following government funding for the installation of EVCPs?

- On Street Residential ChargePoint Scheme (OSRC)

- Local EV Infrastructure Pilot Scheme (LEVI)

- Ultra-Low Emission Taxi Infrastructure scheme (ULEV) now withdrawn

- Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS)

Q18. Does your EV strategy include information about safety? This could be either consumer safety or infrastructure safety

- Yes

- No

- N/A - No strategy in place

Q19. If yes to the above, what does your strategy state as the greatest safety issue surrounding EVCPs?

- Overloading the grid/grid capacity to handle increased demand

- Unsafe unsafe installation of EVCP

- Unsafe location of EVCP

- Lack of (working) EVCPs within reasonable distances of another Maintenance of EVCPs

- Tripping, or other physical charging cable hazard - Other

- please provide information

Q20. Please use this section as an opportunity to expand on your answers, elaborate on your strategy/policy, or provide any other information/comments.This might include your wider opportunities and challenges, EV charging installation targets, renewable energy mixes, speeds, etc.


Q1. Email Address that the FOI was sent to

Q2. The name of your local authority in full

Herefordshire Council

Q3. How many public EVCPs are there within your local authority area? *

An EVCP refers to a device, not a location or connector. For example, in one single location, there may be two charging points. Each charging point may have 4 connectors/sockets. We are only looking for the '2" figure.

15. Please note we only hold information on EVCPs in council car parks.

Q4. What is the most common speed of EVCPs within the local authority area?

Select N/A if there are no EVCPs within your local authority Select 'unknown' if you are not sure.

- Slow (3kw-6kw)

- Fast (7kw Single Phase)

- Faster (up to 22kw Three phase)

- Rapid (43kW AC/ 50kW DC)

- Ultra-Rapid (100+ kW DC)

- N/A Unknown

Fast - 12 of the charge points in council car parks are fast (7kw)

Rapid - 3 of the charge points in council car parks are rapid (50kw)

Q5. How many 22kW or above EVCPs is your local authority planning to install in the next 12 months? Please use a whole number.

This has yet to be determined.

Q6. How many public EVCPs currently operate within your local authority?

15. Please note we only hold information on EVCPs in council car parks.

Q7. Do public EVCPs need planning permission from your local authority?

- Yes

- No

- Dependent on location/infrastructure/case

No. Charge points are a permitted development subject to certain conditions. All charge points so far installed on behalf of the council have not required planning permission.

Q8. Does the local authority currently operate any public EVCPs?

All EVCPs in council car parks are operated by a charge point operator.

Q9. Has the local authority a published Electric Vehicle, or Electric Vehicle Charging Point strategy in place?

An Electric Vehicle strategy is currently being developed.

Q10. How does your local authority plan to pay for installing future EVCPs?

- Local Authority owned and operated

- Public/private partnership

- Wholly third-party owned and operated

- Decision not yet confirmed

Public / private partnership utilising private investment, the delivery partner will own and operate the points.

Q11. What does the authority classify as the greatest barrier to the deployment of public EVCPs?

Resources including local authority capacity and investment for locations which are not currently commercially viable due to grid connections costs or rurality.

Q12. Does your local authority/council/borough record data internally - on public EVCPs? For example, using Zap-Map would be 'No'

- Yes

- No

Yes, the council has dedicated access to a dashboard provided by the charge point operator which allows access to data on usage, which allows the council to run reports on and download datasets internally.

Q13.If yes to the above, please tick all the aspects of data recorded internally by your local authority

- Number of EVCPs Yes

- Location of EVCPs Yes

- Speed of EVCPs Yes

- Whether the EVCP installation was notified to the DNO Done by the CPO

- Ongoing maintenance/condition of the EVCP D The local authority has access to this information but does not routinely record it.

- Date of installation Yes

- Installation provider Yes

- How the EVCPs were funded Yes

- Other forms of data (please provide info) kwh used, number of recharges

Q14.Within your local authority, what percentage (%) of public EVCPs are lamppost/curb-side chargers?

0% but please note we only hold data on ECVP installed on behalf of the council and still in council ownership.

Q15. Last year, we asked how many 22kw public EVCPs were planned for installation within your area between September 2021 and September 2022. Did you achieve this target?

- Yes

- No

- Not Applicable - Did not have a target

N / A - did not have a target.

Q16. If no, what % of your target did you achieve?

N / A

Q17. Have you received any of the following government funding for the installation of EVCPs?

- On Street Residential ChargePoint Scheme (OSRC)

- Local EV Infrastructure Pilot Scheme (LEVI)

- Ultra-Low Emission Taxi Infrastructure scheme (ULEV) now withdrawn

- Workplace Charging Scheme (WCS)

Herefordshire Council is one of the authorities included in the successful Midlands Connect consortium bid for LEVI pilot scheme funding.

The council has not been in receipt of government funding under any of the other schemes detailed above.

Q18. Does your EV strategy include information about safety? This could be either consumer safety or infrastructure safety

- Yes

- No

- N/A - No strategy in place

N / A - no strategy in place.

Q19. If yes to the above, what does your strategy state as the greatest safety issue surrounding EVCPs?

- Overloading the grid/grid capacity to handle increased demand

- Unsafe unsafe installation of EVCP

- Unsafe location of EVCP

- Lack of (working) EVCPs within reasonable distances of another Maintenance of EVCPs

- Tripping, or other physical charging cable hazard

- Other - please provide information

N / A

Q20. Please use this section as an opportunity to expand on your answers, elaborate on your strategy/policy, or provide any other information/comments. This might include your wider opportunities and challenges, EV charging installation targets, renewable energy mixes, speeds, etc.

The council has recently entered into a concession contract with a CPO that will result in a significant increase in the number of publically available charge points in council car parks. The charge points are intended to be a mix of fast (7kw) and rapid (30-50kw) charge points. The final number, location and speed is in the process of being finalised.

The successful Midlands Connect LEVI pilot fund bid will result in on street charge points being installed in the county. The number, type and location is yet to be confirmed.


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