FOI release

Current backlog of road maintenance requests and spend

Case reference FOI2022/00321

Published 25 April 2022


I would like:

• Current backlog of maintenance requests by road and forecast repair date for each repair.

• Details of which repair (if any) have exceed the repair timescales.

• The total budget / spend on highways maintenance per annum.

• The total spend on labour, equipment, material and traffic management for all maintenance repairs broken down to principle roads north & south, and other roads north & south per annum.


• Current backlog of maintenance requests by road and forecast repair date for each repair.

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

• Details of which repair (if any) have exceed the repair timescales.

As of 31 March 2022, one category 2b job (job number 41320980) had exceeded the repair timescales. All other category 1 and 2b patching jobs had been completed within timescales as of that date. However, as previously advised, the list of maintenance requests and whether or not they have exceeded the repair timescales changes on a daily basis.

• The total budget / spend on highways maintenance per annum.

The total budget / spend on highways maintenance in the 2021/22 financial year was £1,740,496.14

• The total spend on labour, equipment, material and traffic management for all maintenance repairs broken down to principle roads north & south, and other roads north & south per annum.

Principal Roads North - £180,729.35

Principal Roads South - £87,888.83

Other Roads North - £53,963.84

Other Roads South - £1,417,914.12

Please note that the costs for Other Roads South is disproportionally high due to the material for all pothole works being costed to this.


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