FOI release

Rejected household recycling

Case reference FOI2022/00069

Published 10 February 2022


Q1. The methods of disposal for rejected household recycling used by your authority for the following years:

· 2017/18

· 2018/19

· 2019/20

· 2020/21

Q2. The annual cost to dispose of rejected household recycling within your authority for the following years:

· 2017/18

· 2018/19

· 2019/20

· 2020/21

Q3. The main reasons for household recycling being rejected. For example, items were contaminated or not suitable for recycling.

Q4. Any guidance or instructions under which recycling centres determine the acceptance or rejection of items collected within your authority.



2017/18 - Energy from Waste (incineration) / Landfill

2018/19 - Energy from Waste / Landfill

2019/20 - Energy from Waste / Landfill

2020/21 - Energy from Waste / Landfill


2017/18 - £320,517.59

2018/19 - £374,658.41

2019/20 - £370,332.72

2020/21 - £452,434.21

Q3. Items / loads contaminated e.g. soiled or contaminated with liquids.

Unsuitable (non-target) items.

Items too small to be processed.

Q4. The sorting process is to remove anything that is not separated for recycling at the facility. With regards to target material that is soiled, if that was evident to an operative then it would be removed. Due to the nature of the sorting process and the fact that glass, cans and plastic are automatically sorted, it would have to be clearly contaminated to be identified and rejected.


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