FOI release

Predicted funding gap

Case reference FOI2023/01957

Published 18 December 2023


I would like to send a freedom of information request asking:

1) What is your current predicted funding gap by the end of this financial year

2) What is your current predicted cumulative funding gap by the end of this financial year?


1) What is your current predicted funding gap by the end of this financial year

A: As at Quarter 2 of 2023/24, the outturn position for the year ending 31 March 2024 is forecast at £13.8 million.

2) What is your current predicted cumulative funding gap by the end of this financial year?

A: The council is not required to report its performance cumulatively, therefore this cannot be provided to you. The results of each financial year are reported and any over or under spend is accounted for in each financial year.


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