FOI release

Number of times a registrar has not attended a wedding for each of the last 5 years

Case reference FOI2024/01164

Received 4 July 2024

Published 25 July 2024


I would like to know number of times per year a registrar has not attended a wedding booked in with the council for each of the last 5 years.

I would also like to know the root cause of the non show (e.g. illness, process failure etc).

I would also like to know the number of times a year the emergency on call registrar has had to attend a wedding because the initial registrar was not able to attend over each of the last 5 years.


I would like to know number of times per year a registrar has not attended a wedding booked in with the council for each of the last 5 years.

A) 2024 – One

2023 – One

2022 – Zero

2021 – One

2020 – Zero

I would also like to know the root cause of the non-show (e.g. illness, process failure etc.).

A) 2024 – Process failure

2023 – Process failure

2022 – N/A

2021 – Process failure

2020 – N/A

I would also like to know the number of times a year the emergency on call registrar has had to attend a wedding because the initial registrar was not able to attend over each of the last 5 years.

A) The Service Area have advised they do not record this information. The team have a process in place where another team member or manager can cover any unforeseen events where the initial registrar is unable to attend.


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