FOI release

COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)-Awards

Case reference FOI2022/01455

Published 4 November 2022


COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)-Awards. We have recently contacted the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to seek an update on their last published statistics regarding CARF relief. As an authority who is responsible for the administration and distribution of CARF relief, please can you kindly advise on the below:

1. Have all of the allocated monies now been distributed to eligible rate payers by your authority?

2. If not, please can you confirm what amount of monies remain outstanding?

3. Are applications still being considered / can they still be made? If so, what are your timelines / general requirements to consider CARF eligibility?


COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF)-Awards. We have recently contacted the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities to seek an update on their last published statistics regarding CARF relief. As an authority who is responsible for the administration and distribution of CARF relief, please can you kindly advise on the below:

1. Have all of the allocated monies now been distributed to eligible rate payers by your authority?

The full £3.2m of COVID-19 Additional Relief Fund (CARF) allocated to the council in 2021/22 has been allocated in full to local businesses. As of 30 September 2022, £2.8m has been distributed to local businesses and officers continue to work to process the credits to individual accounts in respect of the remaining £0.4m of relief following a decision for the final allocation in September 2022.

2. If not, please can you confirm what amount of monies remain outstanding?

Not applicable - the fund received has been allocated in full.

3. Are applications still being considered / can they still be made? If so, what are your timelines / general requirements to consider CARF eligibility?

Not applicable - the fund received has been allocated in full.


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