Facilities Management contract(s) at Herefordshire Council
Case reference FOI2024/01688
Received 8 October 2024
Published 4 November 2024
Under the Freedom of Information Act we would like to request the following information about the Facilities Management contract(s) the Council has in place:
1. Contract(s) start & end dates?
2. Extensions available to the contract(s), including any extensions already taken?
3. Total contract value?
4. Incumbent supplier(s)?
5. Provide a PDF copy of the service specification?
6. Advise who the Senior Responsible Owners for the conract(s) is?
Under the Freedom of Information Act we would like to request the following information about the Facilities Management contract(s) the Council has in place:
1. Contract(s) start & end dates?
2. Extensions available to the contract(s), including any extensions already taken?
3. Total contract value?
4. Incumbent supplier(s)?
5. Provide a PDF copy of the service specification?
6. Advise who the Senior Responsible Owners for the conract(s) is?
Answer: There is no Facilities Management contract in place. This is managed within Herefordshire Council.
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