FOI release

Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP) over the past five years

Case reference FOI2024/02009

Received 3 December 2024

Published 24 December 2024


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request your assistance retrieving the following information. The information is to clarify the implementation of The Mental Health (Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Approval) (England) Regulations 2008 reg.5.

Re-Approval Statistics

• Over the past five years, how many Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) applied for re-approval in your council?

• Of those applications, how many were successful, and how many were not?

Reasons for Non-Approval

• For AMHPs who were not re-approved, what were the primary reasons?

o Lack of required training hours

o Failure to demonstrate necessary competencies

o Professional conduct issues

o Other (please specify)

Support and Remediation

• Does your council offer support or remediation plans for AMHPs who are at risk of not being re-approved? If so, please describe these programs.

Appeal Process

• Is there an established appeal process for AMHPs who are denied re-approval?

• If yes, how many appeals have been made in the past five years, and what were their outcomes?

Impact on Workforce

• How does the council address potential shortages in AMHP staffing due to non-approvals?

• Are there strategies in place to mitigate any negative impacts on service delivery?


Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, I kindly request your assistance retrieving the following information. The information is to clarify the implementation of The Mental Health (Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Approval) (England) Regulations 2008 reg.5.

Re-Approval Statistics

• Over the past five years, how many Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) applied for re-approval in your council?

Answer: 10.

• Of those applications, how many were successful, and how many were not?

Answer: All 10 were successful.

Reasons for Non-Approval

• For AMHPs who were not re-approved, what were the primary reasons?

o Lack of required training hours

o Failure to demonstrate necessary competencies

o Professional conduct issues

o Other (please specify)

Answer: N/A.

Support and Remediation

• Does your council offer support or remediation plans for AMHPs who are at risk of not being re-approved? If so, please describe these programs.

Answer: No.

Appeal Process

• Is there an established appeal process for AMHPs who are denied re-approval?

Answer: No.

• If yes, how many appeals have been made in the past five years, and what were their outcomes?

Answer: N/A.

Impact on Workforce

• How does the council address potential shortages in AMHP staffing due to non-approvals?

Answer: N/A.

• Are there strategies in place to mitigate any negative impacts on service delivery?

Answer: No.


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