FOI release

Household Support Fund, Mechanisms

Case reference FOI2022/00833

Published 29 June 2022


Q1 A breakdown of the different mechanisms you have used to distribute the Household Support Fund to vulnerable families, e.g. cash, food parcels, vouchers, investment in existing schemes / services such as food banks (these are examples, not an exhaustive list)

Q2 What amount/proportion of the funds were distributed through each method used?

Q3 Have you evaluated the success or benefits of specific methods used to distribute funds and if so, how did you do so, i.e. what Key Performance Indicators do you set?

Q4 Have you made decisions yet about disbursement tools for current and future grants and, if so, what mechanisms are you planning to use?


Q1. A breakdown of the different mechanisms you have used to distribute the Household Support Fund to vulnerable families, e.g. cash, food parcels, vouchers, investment in existing schemes / services such as food banks (these are examples, not an exhaustive list)

A1. Herefordshire Council was allocated £1,329,602 from the Household Support Fund in 2021/22. This was distributed as £60 Household Support Grants to applicants in receipt of universal credit below the Free School Meal and/or Free Prescription thresholds and as local supermarket vouchers to families in receipt of free of school meals.

Q2. What amount/proportion of the funds were distributed through each method used?

A2. Herefordshire Council spent the full allocation of £1,329,602, 5% was allocated as £60 grant payments and 95% was allocated as supermarket vouchers.

Q3. Have you evaluated the success or benefits of specific methods used to distribute funds and if so, how did you do so, i.e. what Key Performance Indicators do you set?

A3. No key performance indicators were set.

Q4. Have you made decisions yet about disbursement tools for current and future grants and, if so, what mechanisms are you planning to use?

A4. Herefordshire Council are currently deciding on how to use the latest funds of £1,329,601.78 that has been allocated for the period 1/4/22-30/9/22.


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