FOI release

Armed Forces Veterans - Workforce data

Case reference FOI2023/00286

Published 8 March 2023


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information about Armed Forces Veterans directly employed by your organisation.

Please provide me with the following information (responses to be entered in the column for the relevant Financial Year):

QUESTION FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 FY 2021/22

1. Number of Armed Forces Veterans who were newly appointed by your organisation (i.e. not internal transfers)

2. Percentage of Veterans who commenced employment between 1 April and 30 September of the relevant Financial Year, who were still in your employment as at 31 March of that same Financial Year (i.e. commenced employment on 1 June 2021 and were still employed as at 31 March 2022)

3. Employee turnover for Veterans only

4. Employee turnover for all other employees (excluding Veterans)

5. Number of Veterans who were issued with written warnings or final written warnings under your HR policies and procedures.

6. Number of Veterans who were dismissed under your HR policies and procedures (excluding terminations due to failed probationary period and redundancy).

7.Number of Veterans whose employment was terminated due to failing their probationary period.

8. Number of Veterans who were made redundant.

9. Sickness absence rate amongst Veterans

10. Sickness absence rate for all other employees (excluding Veterans)

11. Percentage of Veterans' sickness absence periods where the absence reason was mental health (including depression, stress, anxiety and PTSD)

Calculations to be used:

Sickness absence rate = Total absence (hours or days) in the period x 100

Possible total (hours or days) in the period

Employee turnover = Total number of leavers over Financial Year x 100

Average total number employed over Financial Year


I am writing to you under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information about Armed Forces Veterans directly employed by your organisation.

Please provide me with the following information (responses to be entered in the column for the relevant Financial Year):

QUESTION FY 2019/20 FY 2020/21 FY 2021/22

1. Number of Armed Forces Veterans who were newly appointed by your organisation (i.e. not internal transfers)

It is optional for employees to declare if they are veterans or not on the HR system. Therefore the data provided for all of the below responses is based on employees that have confirmed they are veterans.

FY 2019/20 - 0

FY 2020/21 - 1

FY 2021/22 - 7

2.Percentage of Veterans who commenced employment between 1 April and 30 September of the relevant Financial Year, who were still in your employment as at 31 March of that same Financial Year (i.e. commenced employment on 1 June 2021 and were still employed as at 31 March 2022)

FY 2019/20 - N/A

FY 2020/21 - 100% one employee started in the time frame and 1 remained employed on 31/03/2021.

FY 2021/22 - 50% two employees started in the time frame and one remained employed on 31/03/2022.

3. Employee turnover for Veterans only

FY 2019/20 - 0%

FY 2020/21 - 0%

FY 2021/22 - 16.66%

4. Employee turnover for all other employees (excluding Veterans)

FY 2019/20 - 12.34%

FY 2020/21 - 9.62%

FY 2021/22 - 14.86%

5. Number of Veterans who were issued with written warnings or final written warnings under your HR policies and procedures.

This information is not available. It is recorded if an employee is given a warning but we are unable to specify if it is an employee who is a veteran.

6. Number of Veterans who were dismissed under your HR policies and procedures (excluding terminations due to failed probationary period and redundancy).

FY 2019/20 - 0

FY 2020/21 - 0

FY 2021/22 - 0

7. Number of Veterans whose employment was terminated due to failing their probationary period.

N/A - the council does not have probationary periods.

8. Number of Veterans who were made redundant.

FY 2019/20 - 0

FY 2020/21 - 0

FY 2021/22 - 0

9. Sickness absence rate amongst Veterans

FY 2019/20 - 0.23%

FY 2020/21 - 7.88%

FY 2021/22 - 4.88%

10. Sickness absence rate for all other employees (excluding Veterans)

FY 2019/20 - 3.60%

FY 2020/21 - 2.47%

FY 2021/22 - 3.37%

11. Percentage of Veterans' sickness absence periods where the absence reason was mental health (including depression, stress, anxiety and PTSD)

FY 2019/20 - 0%

FY 2020/21 - 55.37%

FY 2021/22 - 0%

Calculations to be used:

Sickness absence rate = Total absence (hours or days) in the period x 100

Possible total (hours or days) in the period

Employee turnover = Total number of leavers over Financial Year x 100

Average total number employed over Financial Year


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