FOI release

Council Tax Exemption Policy for Care Leavers

Case reference FOI2023/01502

Published 6 October 2023


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your council's policy on council tax exemption for care leavers.

I would be grateful if you could provide answers to the following questions:

1. Do you have a council tax exemption policy in place for care leavers? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

If you answered "Yes" to Question 1, please provide the following information:

2. Is this exemption provided for care leavers up to the age of 25? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

3. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who move into your local authority, but the local authority which holds corporate parenting responsibility for them is elsewhere? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

4. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who you are the corporate parent for but live outside your local authority? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

5. Is this exemption policy included in your local offer for care leavers document? If so, please provide a link to the relevant document.

6. Is this exemption advertised on your website? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

7. Is there any further information you wish to add regarding your council's council tax exemption policy for care leavers?


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 regarding your council's policy on council tax exemption for care leavers.

I would be grateful if you could provide answers to the following questions:

1. Do you have a council tax exemption policy in place for care leavers? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]


If you answered "Yes" to Question 1, please provide the following information:

2. Is this exemption provided for care leavers up to the age of 25? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]


3. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who move into your local authority, but the local authority which holds corporate parenting responsibility for them is elsewhere? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]


4. Is your exemption policy inclusive of care leavers who you are the corporate parent for but live outside your local authority? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]


5. Is this exemption policy included in your local offer for care leavers document? If so, please provide a link to the relevant document.

Care Leaver Policy - Care leaver's discount - Appendix 1 (

6. Is this exemption advertised on your website? [Please respond with either "Yes" or "No."]

Yes. Council Tax discounts and exemptions - Herefordshire Council

7. Is there any further information you wish to add regarding your council's council tax exemption policy for care leavers?



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