FOI release

Full Time Employees and annual expenditure

Case reference FOI2023/00311

Published 18 April 2023


I would like to request the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:

1. How many FTE work in your HR, Finance, Property and IT departments, broken down by department?

2. What is the total annual expenditure for HR, Finance, Property and IT departments (total budget, not just staffing costs), broken down by department?

3. Is any part of these departments outsourced? Please provide a list of contracts with a brief description of what is covered per contract.

4. What is the total of FTE working for the whole authority including temporary staff?

5. Does your authority use an ERP system and if so which one?


1. How many FTE work in your HR, Finance, Property and IT departments, broken down by department?

Hoople Ltd provide the Council's IT service alongside other Public sector organisations and as such there is no specific headcount aligned to the IT service provided to them.

Please see attached spreadsheet.

2. What is the total annual expenditure for HR, Finance, Property and IT departments (total budget, not just staffing costs), broken down by department?

Please see the attached spreadsheet.

3. Is any part of these departments outsourced? Please provide a list of contracts with a brief description of what is covered per contract.

The IT Service, Finance and HR is outsourced to Hoople Ltd and details of the contract can be found on our website:

In terms of Property, elements of the service are outsourced for example:

· Valuation advice: - As and when required on short term specific contracts.

· Maintenance: - delivered by Hoople Ltd

· Agency: as and when required, on short term specific contracts.

· Asset and insurance Valuations: contract number 922 on the contracts register

· Landlord and Tenant work: As and when required

4. What is the total of FTE working for the whole authority including temporary staff?

Whole council (not including schools and casual staff)

Direct Employees (FTE) - 1220.49

Direct Employees (Headcount) - 1367

Agency workers (Headcount) - 208

Total Headcount - 1575

5. Does your authority use an ERP system and if so which one?

Yes , Unit 4 Business World.


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