FOI release

Children leaving care (16+) supported living services

Case reference FOI2024/00974

Received 30 May 2024

Published 27 June 2024


I am making the following Freedom of Information request about Children leaving care services in your council.

1. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

2. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) with mental health services?

3. What is the upper and lower weekly cost for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

4. Please advise what name, email address, and telephone number is for the individual/s responsible for Children leaving care Placement and Procurement.

5. What is the process of commissioning children leaving care (16+) supported living schemes?


I am making the following Freedom of Information request about Children leaving care services in your council.

1. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

A) Yes.

2. Is there a current demand for Children leaving care (16+) with mental health services?

A) Yes.

3. What is the upper and lower weekly cost for Children leaving care (16+) supported living services?

A) Lowest cost currently: £550 per week.

Highest cost currently: £4,400 per week.

4. Please advise what name, email address, and telephone number is for the individual/s responsible for Children leaving care Placement and Procurement.

A) Stacie Edwards | Service Manager Children in Care and Care Leavers

01432 260165

5. What is the process of commissioning children leaving care (16+) supported living schemes?

A) As part of the commissioning to procure any service for the Herefordshire Council the directorates must follow a compliant process, within that there are multiple avenues in which a commissioner can choose to award a contract. The commissioning for services for supported living usually take an open process route through the ‘supplying the southwest’ pro-contract portal. As part of this process and when a requirement has been identified and approved there will be a number of steps taken to make sure the process follows the councils CPR’s (Contract Procedure Rules).

A tender pack will be assembled which will contain the specification of the service required, a standard supplier questionnaire, and a set of service specific question which will have a weighting attached, and all the responses will be scored as per an outlined scoring matrix, and evaluation process.

The contract may form part of an internal framework, block contract, or single supplier contract award depending on the requirement of the service need and that of the care leavers.


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