FOI release

Planning Applications and sewerage capacity

Case reference EIR2023/00460

Published 30 March 2023


With regard to sewage being dumped in to the River Wye, when a planning application for building is applied for does the council factor in sewage disposal and the capacity of the sewerage works ,especially with large building sites such as Bobble Stock etc. If not, why not.


When applications for planning permission are submitted to the local planning authority and the applicant identifies on the application form that a mains connection is required or that the means of foul water disposal is unknown then the statutory undertaker for the area is consulted. This is either Dwr Cymru Welsh Water or Severn Trent depending on geographical area.

In their response to the local planning authority, the consultee advises whether there is capacity or if any upgrade would be required to provide capacity. It is usual that they recommend conditions be attached to planning permissions if the local planning authority is minded to grant approval.


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