FOI release

School mental health services

Case reference FOI2021/00049

Published 25 October 2021


We are interested in how schools make decisions in regard to funding for mental health promotion. As part of the Freedom of Information Act please can you send me any information you have about:

Q1 The current spending of Herefordshire schools on mental health and wellbeing activities

Q2 Staffing in relation to pupil mental health and wellbeing

Q3 The support or services that you provide to Herefordshire schools in regards to mental health


In response to Questions 1 and 2, this information is not held by Herefordshire Council. To obtain it, you would need to contact each school direct. The contact details for schools in Herefordshire are available via the following link:

Further information may also be held by the Children & Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) who can be contacted via:

The council does not provide any direct support for mental health and wellbeing in schools, but the Public Health team does provide the following:

  • Licence purchased from the Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) for all Herefordshire schools, in order to access curriculum materials for relationships and sex education and health education, which encompasses mental health and wellbeing. A two year licence was purchased at a total cost of £13,000.
  • Strategic support for the Mental Health in Schools Initiative.
  • Partnership support for the Children & Young People's Mental Health Partnership Board.
  • Influencing and strategic support for local initiatives offering services to schools on mental health and wellbeing.
  • Funding and oversight of a children and young people's 'quality of life' survey, undertaken during 2021, which included information gathering on mental health and wellbeing, bullying and safety. The results of the survey have been fed back to individual schools for school level / local community action.
  • Communications, campaigns and information regarding mental health and wellbeing through newsletters to schools and the council website.


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