FOI release

Fixed Penalty Notices in 2021 for littering

Case reference FOI2021/00279

Published 30 December 2021


Please may you provide me with the following on Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs).

Q1. How many FPNs did you issue for littering in 2021?

Q2. How many FPNs for littering in 2021 were paid?

Q3. How many FPNs issued for littering in 2021 were prosecuted for failing to pay the FPN?

Q4. What is the full price of a Littering (FPN)?

Q5. Do you have a discounted price for a littering FPN and if yes, how long is the discounted period? e.g. The FPN will be discounted to £50 if paid within 10 days.


Q1. 23

Q2. 4

Q3. 0

Q4. £140.00

Q5. £100.00 if paid within 10 days


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