FOI release

ECO4 Flex declarations

Case reference FOI2022/01049

Published 9 August 2022


I would like to make a Freedom of Information request for Responsible Person Contact Details for ECO4 Flex declarations as per the ECO4 Order.

Background In Ofgem's 'Ofgem ECO4 Administration Consultation Part 2' detailed at 'Chapter 6' of the consultation sets out the intention for ECO4 Flex under the ECO4 Order. In Chapter 6 the consultation says from July 2022 Councils will be required to issue a SoI and a dedicated responsible person would need to sign the declaration. The relevant part of the publication is: 6.21. From 1 July, a new SoI will be required from LAs across GB to state their intent to participate in ECO4 Flex and a commitment that the signing LA officer will check and verify that declarations will be issued for households that match the criteria in the SoI. As with ECO3 SoIs, these would need to be signed by the CEO or dedicated responsible person. Relevant legislation The Electricity and Gas (Energy Company Obligation) Order 2022 at

The Freedom of Information Request that I am making is as follows:

Q1. Please could you provide details of the CEO or dedicated responsible person referred to in the consultation above. Requested details for the Responsible Person include

• Full Name

• Job Title

• Email address

• Telephone number

• Address

Q2. Please can you advise on whether you

Q2a. Accept applications from all appropriately Registered Installers

or Q2b. Accept applications from a defined list of installers (if this is the case please can you provide details)


Q1. Please could you provide details of the CEO or dedicated responsible person referred to in the consultation above. Requested details for the Responsible Person include

• Full Name

• Job Title

• Email address

• Telephone number

• Address

Danny Lenain

Principal Sustainability & Climate Change Officer

01432 383646

Herefordshire Council, Plough Lane, Hereford, HR4 0LE

If you are a company intending to use the names and contact details of council officers provided in this response for direct marketing, you must be registered with the Information Commissioner to process personal data for this purpose. You must also check that the individual (whom you wish to contact for direct marketing purposes) is not registered with one of the preference services to prevent direct marketing. If they are you must adhere to this preference. You must also ensure you comply with the Privacy Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR). For more information see

For the avoidance of doubt, the provision of individual names and contact details under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 does not give consent to receive direct marketing via any media and expressly does not constitute a 'soft opt-in' under PECR.

Q2. Please can you advise on whether you

Q2a. Accept applications from all appropriately Registered Installers



Q2b. Accept applications from a defined list of installers (if this is the case please can you provide details)

All installers have to work through the Keep Herefordshire Warm Service:


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