FOI release

Relocation Costs for employees hired by the council

Case reference FOI2023/00549

Published 18 April 2023


This is an information request relating to relocation payments made to employees hired by the council.

Please include the following information, for council staff only (i.e. not school staff) for the 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

* How many relocation payments have been made, per financial year, to employees hired by the council

* What was the value of each payment

* What was the total amount paid per financial year

By "relocation payment" I mean a payment made above and beyond a salary for the purpose of paying for the expenses of moving, in cases where the employee did not, at the time of hiring, live within commuting distance of their place of work.


This is an information request relating to relocation payments made to employees hired by the council.

Please include the following information, for council staff only (i.e. not school staff) for the 2018/19, 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23 financial years:

* How many relocation payments have been made, per financial year, to employees hired by the council

* What was the value of each payment

* What was the total amount paid per financial year

By "relocation payment" I mean a payment made above and beyond a salary for the purpose of paying for the expenses of moving, in cases where the employee did not, at the time of hiring, live within commuting distance of their place of work.

In response to Questions 1-3 please see the attached spreadsheet which sets out the number of relocation expenses claimed, the value of each and the total amount paid during the financial years in question.

Please note that the negative values on the attached are where the relocation expenses have been recovered because the employee subsequently left the council. 'Relocation expenses - allowable' means that it was not subject to tax or National Insurance deductions.


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