FOI release

Unoccupied non-residential council properties

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00530

Published 15 April 2024


I am writing to obtain information about the costs incurred by unoccupied non-residential properties owned by the council. Please provide an itemised list of non-residential properties owned by the council that were unoccupied for one month or longer between 1 Jan 2022 and 31 December 2023.

Please include the following information:

• The address of the property

• The dates during which the property was unoccupied.

• The cost of insuring the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• The cost of providing security for the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• Any other maintenance costs for the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• The cost of any renovation works undertaken during the period it was unoccupied.

• The dates any such renovation work was undertaken.

• The size of the property

I have provided an example (attached), which you can use as a template if convenient.


I am writing to obtain information about the costs incurred by unoccupied non-residential properties owned by the council. Please provide an itemised list of non-residential properties owned by the council that were unoccupied for one month or longer between 1 Jan 2022 and 31 December 2023.

Please include the following information:

• The address of the property

• The dates during which the property was unoccupied.

• The cost of insuring the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• The cost of providing security for the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• Any other maintenance costs for the property during the period it was unoccupied.

o If this is not possible, please provide an annual amount.

• The cost of any renovation works undertaken during the period it was unoccupied.

• The dates any such renovation work was undertaken.

• The size of the property

I have provided an example (attached), which you can use as a template if convenient.

Please see the attached FOI2024 00530 Response Spreadsheet.


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