FOI release

Commissioned surveys for any council buildings for RAAC since 01 January 2018

Case reference FOI2023/01512

Published 29 September 2023


Please could the council supply the following information.

1. Has the council commissioned any surveys for any of its buildings for RAAC since 01 January 2018, up to and including the day you process this request? Please answer only 'yes' or 'no'. If you need to give any other context, please use the explanatory notes column of the table provided.

2. If the answer to question 1 is yes, please give the dates any surveys were commissioned, the dates date completed or expected to be completed and the number of buildings surveyed. Whether the answer is yes or no, please outline what work is taking place to identify the presence of RAAC and prepare for its removal

3. Please give building types where RAAC is suspected and/or has been found and the date on which it was discovered. By building types I am asking for a general description of the purpose of the building, for example: council office, civic centre etc

4. If possible, please provide the address and postcode of any buildings referred to in your answer to question 3.

5. For each building in your answer to question 3, please give details of any action taken or to be taken as a result of discovering RAAC.

Please could you provide the information either by filling in the accompanying spreadsheet and returning it as a .xlsx file or using the same layout.

Please use a new line if you are reporting more than one survey or building, with a separate line for each, like in the example below.

If any part of my request does trigger an exemption, I would ask you to provide advice and assistance under Section 16 of the FOI Act to revise my request in order to avoid this. Should you be minded to reject this request because of section 43(2) of the FOI Act (commercial interests), please could I ask that you apply a presumption in favour of disclosure on the grounds of public interest<>.


In response to questions 1-5, please see the attached spreadsheet in relation to Herefordshire schools.

In relation to other council buildings, no RAAC has been identified. A review of our properties is being conducted and initial reviews suggest that RAAC is not present.


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