FOI release


Case reference FOI2023/01006

Published 21 June 2023


1 Who is the procurement lead for the annual billing print and mail project?

2 Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?

3 If so, who is this with and when does it finish?

4 Who is the procurement lead for electoral service?

5 Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?

6 If so, who is this with and when does it finish?

7 Do you have a hybrid mail service (print and post)?

8 Which departments use this?

9 Who is your current supplier?

10 Who is the procurement lead?

11 Do you promote agile workers?

12 Do you have a particular cost saving target through back -office process efficiencies - who is responsible for this?

12 Who overseas procurement and manages the procurement process within the council ?


1 Who is the procurement lead for the annual billing print and mail project?

A: The Annual billing print and mail project is currently managed by Mrs Lesley Evans The Benefits & Development manager for Revenues and benefits Services. The Procurement manager for Herefordshire council is Mr Phillip Clayton

2 Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?

A: No Contract is currently in place and the tender for this process is due to commence shortly to invite companies to tender for this service.

3 If so, who is this with and when does it finish?

A: n/a

4 Who is the procurement lead for electoral service?

A: Herefordshire Council is the procurement lead for Electoral Services, it is statutory function that has to be run within the Local Authority, there is no contract from anyone else to supply Electoral Services.

5 Are you currently in a contract to supply these services?

A: n/a

6 If so, who is this with and when does it finish?

A: n/a

7 Do you have a hybrid mail service (print and post)?

A: No corporate hybrid mail service in place

8 Which departments use this?

A: n/a

9 Who is your current supplier?

A: n/a

10 Who is the procurement lead?

A: Faye Royles

11 Do you promote agile workers?

A: We do promote agile working where the role allows. Last year we launched a project named Flexible Futures providing employees the choice, tools and environment to deliver many of our services and support functions remotely and flexibly.

12 Do you have a particular cost saving target through back -office process efficiencies - who is responsible for this?

A: Expenditure is reviewed annually as part of the budget setting process and efficiencies are identified within each department.

12 Who overseas procurement and manages the procurement process within the council ?

A: Procurement is decentralised in the Council. Service areas are responsible for undertaking the procurement process with support from the Commercial Services team where needed.

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